Thursday, 3 August 2017

8. Windsor & Eton Brewery Visit – 2 August

Sincere thanks to Noorzaman Rashid, Master Management Consultant, for organising the visit to the Windsor & Eton Brewery. A splendid way to pass a couple of hours learning about the different ingredients, brewing methods and of course tasting a range of beers! This is a small brewery but they produce seven beers that are available all year round, four seasonal beers, twelve monthly specials and up to six “Pilot Brews”. The main ingredients, hops and barley, are sourced from around the world each contributing to the differing flavours in the wide range of bitters, lagers and IPA that they produce. Thanks to Will, one of the four partners who own the brewery, for explaining everything and showing us around.

The brewery visit was followed by a superb four course lunch at “Meat in the Parish” in Windsor High Street which included a huge portion of Chateaubriand and some very fine Malbec ! All-in-all a splendid day out and, in addition to eating and drinking, an opportunity to meet with the Masters of a range of Livery Companies.

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