Monday, 13 November 2017

31. Remembrance Day Service

Each year the Company is invited to lay a wreath as part of the Remembrance Day Service at the Merchant Navy War Memorial at Tower Hill. It is organised by the Honourable Company of Master Mariners to commemorate seafarers of both the Merchant and Royal Navies who lost their lives at sea in the two World Wars and other conflicts. This year on a very sunny, cold and windy day, I was privileged to do the honours on behalf of the Company. My consort, Sandra, was in attendance and it was good to see Fleet Warden Mark Lane and his wife Judy there as well. The service was conducted by the Hon. Chaplain of the Master Mariners Company. A very thought provoking service including a very poignant prayer which contained the words – “look mercifully upon the unrest of the world…..Grant understanding to the nations …….that they may be united in a true fellowship…….so that the sacrifices of those who died have not been in vain.” Some 70 wreaths were then laid.

The morning was rounded off with a reception at Trinity House.

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