Monday, 18 September 2017

14. Livery Halls Walk, 14th September

Back to HQS Wellington this morning for breakfast before setting out on the annual Livery Halls walk organised by the Environmental Cleaners Company. This was the second time that I had participated in this event, having walked last year with the then Master, Keith Tozzi. I was accompanied this time by Thames Warden, Simon Catford.

After breakfast and the first photo shoot of the day on the deck of HQS Wellington (Hall No.1) some 40 Masters and Wardens set off at 9am for the first part of the walk visiting 10 halls with photographs at each one ending up at Salters’ Hall for Morning Coffee. This was followed by visits and photos at a further 8 Halls and then lunch by the Cook and the Butler at Armourers’ Hall.  A further 10 Halls later, afternoon tea was provided at the Dutch church opposite the Funiture Makers’ Hall. The party then set off for the final 8 Halls, ending up at Fishmongers Hall on London Bridge. A total of 40 Halls and a distance covered of 9 miles!

Unfortunately, because of late running, I had to leave the walk after visiting 38 Halls and return to HQS Wellington to get ready for my next engagement!

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