Monday, 25 September 2017

17. Worshipful Company of Fuellers, Ezra Lecture, 20th September

Immediately after the performance at the Globe, Sandra and I crossed the river to attend the Fuellers13th Annual Lecture. This year it was given by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Deben, perhaps better known as John Gummer. He was the longest serving Secretary of State for the Environment, from 1993-97, a good part of the time that I was working in the Department's Water Directorate. He is currently Chairman of the Committee on Climate Change and advises the Government on emissions targets and reports on progress made on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The title of the lecture was "Fossil Fuels and the Energy Mix". A very interesting lecture, in which Lord Deben, speaking with only an occasional glance at notes, gave his views on current progress and what more can be done to combat climate change through innovation and smart technologies. He concluded by saying that even if it was proved not to be effective in preventing climate change it was better to reduce emissions and improve our environment than not to do anything.

The drinks and canapes that followed gave an opportunity to discuss the issues raised and socialise with the Masters of a number of other Livery Companies. Our thanks to Janet Harrison, the Master Fueller, for a very interesting evening.

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