Tuesday, 5 December 2017

37. Mercers’ Company Livery Concert & Supper

Sandra and I were delighted to be invited to Mercers’ Hall for their Concert and Supper. And what a splendid evening it was! Some 70 Livery Companies were represented and it was good to meet and chat with many familiar Masters and their Consorts over a glass of Champagne during the reception before going in to the Concert.

Once seated we were introduced to the two performers – Crispian Steele-Perkins, a virtuoso trumpeter who restores, plays and records on antique instruments of the trumpet family and Leslie Pearson one of the country’s most distinguished piano players. The varied programme of classical and light music was interspersed with the history of and demonstrations on a range of horns and trumpets accompanied by the piano. A fascinating, amusing and thoroughly enjoyable performance.

The supper was held in the magnificent surroundings of both the Court Dining Room and the Large Court Room where 18 separate table were laid-up.  We were at a table hosted by Debbie Ounsted CBE of the Mercer’s Company and it was a pleasure to also be in the company of the Masters of the Firefighters and Glovers together with their Consorts. Excellent food and wines rounded off a highly enjoyable evening.

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