11.00 am on a gloriously sunny, but bitter cold , day saw a total of 22 Members and partners congregating outside the main gate of the Palace. We were then led by my Bailiff, Christine Jarvis, who was our guide, into this historic wonderland. A brief history outside and then into Henry VIII’s Kitchens where among other things we learned how bread was cooked and the origin of the term “Upper Crust”. On to the meat kitchen where we found out that the huge joints on display served only 4-6 people! From there we went into the Great Hall with its magnificent hammer beam ceiling with each beam having a small head on it, origin of the phrase “Eaves Dropping”, and walls covered with magnificent tapestries. On then through the apartments to the Royal Chapel and the replica Royal Crown.

Time for lunch at the “Mute Swan” just across the road from the Palace. An excellent meal was served with a few glasses of wine and a great deal of conversation! After the meal those who wished then returned to the Palace to continue the tour and/or to wander round the BBC Festive Fayre.
My thanks particularly to Christine Jarvis who helped with the arrangements and who made the tour both interesting and amusing.
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