Tuesday, 5 June 2018

80. Beating Retreat, Horseguards Parade, 30 & 31 May.

Taking advantage of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity offer to Livery Companies of VIP priority seating, 38 Members, Consorts, family and friends came to view this event which is performed on two days every two years.  The largest group of 33 attended on 31 May. Having endured long queues to pass through tight security our group were seated in a block on a stand just off centre with an excellent view of the proceedings. 

Beating Retreat had its origins in early warfare when the drum was used for all signals on the battlefield. It was a signal for troops to disengage from combat at the end of the day as darkness fell. We were treated to a full hour and a half programme of music and spectacle which included the ceremony of Beating Retreat.

First, 30 members of the Corps of Drums marched onto the parade playing drum solos. Following Bugle calls the Massed Bands then marched on in quick time. They heralded the arrival of His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, who was taking the salute on behalf of his brother Prince Harry (who was on his honeymoon). 

There followed a ceremonial precision marching display, the actual Ceremony of Beating Retreat, further marching displays and the finale of “Rule Britannia” and the National Anthem. This was a fantastic evening of precision marching. The Massed Bands utilised the whole display area, splitting into 2 and 4 groups, counter marching, wheeling and reforming continuously. Not a single one out of step at any time! A perfect evening weather wise and thoroughly recommended if tickets can be obtained again in 2020.

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