Tuesday, 29 May 2018

79. Postal Museum and Rail Mail Visit, 25 May

A group of 22 Company members and consorts visited the Postal Museum behind the massive Mount Pleasant Sorting Office in Finsbury on the morning of 25 May. Individual groups made their way around this highly interesting Museum.  Exhibits included an early mail coach, through to more recent vans, old post and telephone boxes, stamps, and letters. The photograph below is of a Royal Mail Coach. The Coachman bears a striking resemblance to me!

Everyone then went to the Rail Mail terminal where we all squeezed onto the mail train. It was amazing to learn that the system was first established in the 1930’s. We were taken on a circular ride, stopping periodically at “stations” where original film presentations of the system were shown. At the end of the ride, there were further interesting film presentations of mail deliveries by train and an operational console for the mail rail system.

This was a very interesting visit, rounded off with a small group of us, who had in the past worked in the area, visiting the “Shakespeare’s Head” for a light lunch.  

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