Tuesday, 29 May 2018

74. Visit to Museum of London 15 May

Prior to a Trustees meeting and at the invitation of the Grants Manager at the Museum of London a small group of Company members assembled to view the Whitechapel Fatberg display. This block of fat, wet wipes sanitary products and other articles flushed into the sewers weighing 130 tonnes and over 250 metres in length was discovered in September 2017. The amount on display is relatively small but presented a number of challenges in curating and conserving it. The photos and video put it well into context.

We were also treated to a visit of an exhibition entitled “London Nights”. This consists of over 200 photographs by some 50 artists ranging from the late 19th Century to present day many of which had never before been displayed. They are all striking images of the City at night. The exhibition is both fascinating and nostalgic. 

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