Tuesday, 29 May 2018

75. Spring Networking Event, 16 May

The culmination of much discussion and the introduction of a new category of membership in a bid to encourage younger professionals into the Company, an evening Networking Event was held in the private members dining room at the Guildhall. Around 30 guests were welcomed by a small group of senior members of the Company. After a brief introduction about the Company Liveryman Robbie Epsom spoke about his experience of being a younger member and why those present should also consider joining. He was followed by the Thames Warden, Simon Catford, who spoke about the mentoring scheme that was being introduced. Following a brief description of the membership categories drinks and canapés were served and the networking began in earnest. My thanks to all who helped to make this a successful evening. The guests were all given a recruitment pack on leaving and hopeful the event will bear fruit with a number of new members.

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