Tuesday, 29 May 2018

78. Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch Reception

This reception, held this year at Carpenter’s Hall, is where the result of the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch is announced. The Company had collected £800 at the Election Court Lunch and the Thames Warden and I attended the reception along with a wide range of Livery, City, business and service personnel. This is the first year that the proceeds have gone to the charities of all three services.

The Lord Mayor announced that the proceeds amounted to £180,000 bringing the total raised over the last eleven years to £1.9 million. General Sir Michael Jackson, President of ABF, The Soldiers’ Charity, spoke of the wide range of support that the Armed Forces Charities have provided over the last year, ranging from a 107 year old widow to a 2 year old child. He expressed the hope that the proceeds from next year’s lunch, which is to be held on 4 April 2019, would hit the £200,000 target.

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