Tuesday, 29 May 2018

77. The Company of Plumbers Lecture and Dinner, 21 May

It was a great pleasure to be invited to the Worshipful Company of Plumbers’ annual lecture and dinner at the Royal College of Physicians. The lecture, entitled “Good morning do you wish to see a Doctor or a Plumber?” was given by Professor Mala Rao of Imperial College, London and covered the global challenges of water scarcity, water quality, extreme weather events and water conservation, subjects of particular interest to me and of considerable  relevance to our Company. Mala’s presentation is available to view on the Plumber’s website (www.plumberscompany.org.uk). The issue of desalination allowed me to answer a question and I went on to speak about water conservation issues. From comments afterwards this appears to have gone down well!

I was hosted during the evening by Fiona Woolf and it was good to meet with a number of members of the Plumbers’ Company with whom I had considerable contact during my time in the Water Directorate of what was then the DETR and later as a consultant.

It was a privilege to sit on the Master Plumber’s table between his Consort and the Chief Executive of Wateraid.  Very interesting company, an enjoyable meal and excellent wines. My thanks to the Master Plumber for allowing me to be part of a highly interesting and enjoyable evening.

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