Tuesday, 29 May 2018

73. Sons & Friends of the Clergy, 15 May.

The origins of this service at St. Paul’s Cathedral date back to 1655 when a service was held and collection taken for the destitute families of priests dispossessed of their livings under Oliver Cromwell. It is now the largest UK charity focussed exclusively on supporting Anglican clergy families. Sandra and I attended this year’s service which was the 364th festival service and was supported by a large number of Livery Companies. The service was well attended by the City dignitaries and the Livery Companies processed down the aisle in reverse numerical precedence to their places under the South Dome. 

The combined choirs of St Paul’s, Gloucester Cathedral and Chelmsford Cathedral led the hymns and sang anthems. The sermon and blessing were given by the newly installed Bishop of London, the Right Reverend and Right Honourable, Dame Sarah Mullally. A beautiful service and a memorable occasion. 

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