Sunday, 9 July 2017

1. Installation Ceremony and Lunch - 6 July 2017

What a memorable occasion on one of the hottest days of the year! The formal Installation Ceremony, ably led by our Clerk, Ralph Riley and Beadle, Tony Parker, took place in the presence of a group of Past Masters, members of the Company and friends. It was a pleasure to have Rob Casey installed as the new Walbrook Warden. This was followed by the usual drinks reception. I, together with the Wardens and our honoured guests then processed into the dining room for lunch. All this took place in the magnificent surroundings of the Drapers Hall.

After an excellent meal I was honoured to have Lord Strathclyde, who was for a time my Minister in the Department of the Environment and who I accompanied on the Department’s first Water Industry specific trade mission to South Africa and Lesotho, as my guest speaker. His speech was highly complimentary, informative, enlightening and humorous. I was also delighted to welcome Martin Reed, Master of the Master Mariners, as a guest. Following the speeches we adjourned for a “Stirrup Cup”.

The collection was for the Hackney Carriage Drivers “Magical Taxi Tour” which takes chronically sick and terminally ill children to the Disney Resort in Paris. A magnificent sum of £900 was collected.

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