Tuesday, 25 July 2017

4. Port of London Challenge 19 July 2017

On a beautiful warm evening Sandra and I boarded a river boat just downstream of HQS Wellington, which acted as the control boat for the Port of London Challenge. Our cutter, The Water Forget-me-not, crewed by six ladies was taking part in the race which started at HQS Wellington and finished up-stream at Chelsea Bridge, a distance of some 3 miles. Although the tide was with them, the water was quite choppy from the many river cruisers which made rowing quite difficult. The ladies and mixed teams started first and were almost out of sight when the men’s teams set off. The control boat powered its way upstream to catch the ladies cutters which we just about did before the first one crossed the finish line! And which cutter got there first? The Water Forget-me-not of course! Almost a foregone conclusion as our team has won repeatedly for several years.

Unfortunately our bargemaster, Johnny Dwan, was unable to cox the boat as he was busy Swan Upping way up river, but congratulations and thanks are due once more to him for the training and work he puts into these events on the river. Many congratulations also to the team of ladies for their super effort in a time that was only fractionally less than the winning men’s team.

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