Tuesday, 25 July 2017

3. Engineers Awards and Dinner 18 July 2017-07-22

I was delighted to be invited as a guest at the Annual Awards Ceremony and Livery Dinner of the Worshipful Company of Engineers which was held at the Royal College of Physicians in the presence of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal.

An impressive number of awards were made to five early career engineers, four sixth form potential engineering scholars in London schools and five bursaries for students or apprentices who have faced challenges or personal obstacles. These were followed by eight awards to engineers in the Armed Services. A further eight awards, including one for Water Engineering, went to graduate/post graduate students, engineers who have made a substantial contribution through their work and a company that developed and produce an inexpensive credit card sized microcomputer. These awards ranging up to £50,000 were given by the Engineers Trust.

The awards were followed by reception drinks and canapés in the College grounds on a beautifully warm evening. Over 200 people then sat down to a splendid dinner with excellent wines. Dinner was followed by the Loving Cup Ceremony. The toast to the Guests was proposed by the Master Engineer, Richard Groome, who managed to mention the many Livery and other guests in his speech. The response was by HRH the Princess Royal who proposed the toast to the Company. The Stirrup Cup provided a splendid opportunity to chat with other Masters and the Award Winners.

All-in-all and excellent evening and my thanks to the Master Engineer for the invitation.

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