Friday, 27 April 2018

65. Builders Merchants Divine Service, Reception and Supper, 16 April

What an immense pleasure it was for Sandra and I to be invited by the Master of the Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants to their Annual Divine Service, Reception and Supper.

The service was held in the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London. What magnificent and historic surroundings. The service was led by the Company Chaplain, The Rev. Canon Roger Hall MBE. The choir was truly excellent leading the singing of the hymns and we particularly liked the anthem “All in an April Evening” which was beautifully sung and very appropriate. The sermon, based on the words “with” and “in”, was extremely thought provoking. This was certainly a unique experience.

A relatively short walk from the Tower along to Watermen’s Hall followed where we were received by the Master Brian Blanchard, at a reception where we met with members of the Company and fellow guests. It was a great pleasure to be seated at the top table between the Master and former Lord Mayor, Alderman Dame Fiona Woolf. We were treated to an excellent supper and wines. I was particularly pleased that the Master spoke very highly of our “WET10” debate the previous month. This was a truly memorable evening.

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