Friday, 27 April 2018

68. Masters and Clerks Lunch, Watermen’s Hall 23 April

What a pleasure to be invited by the Master of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen to lunch at their delightful hall on St. George’s Day. For me it was the third time in that hall in just a week! The invited guests were all Masters or Clerks of Livery Companies and the reception was a great opportunity to catch up with fellow Masters and their Clerks who I had met before and to make acquaintance with some new ones. On arrival we were all given a beautiful red rose for our lapels.

We were treated to a delicious four course lunch with excellent wines, something we come to expect from caterers “The Cook and the Butler”. The company at table was as ever genial and interesting. Another splendid occasion before Sandra and I set off for Spain, at the crack of dawn, the following day.

My sincere thanks to the Master and Wardens of the Company for the invitation.

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