Monday, 16 April 2018

63. The Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch – 11th April

This year was the 11th Big Curry Lunch which was hosted by the Lord Mayor, Alderman Charles Bowman at the Guildhall. I was delighted to attend on behalf of the Company and was accompanied by the Thames Warden, Simon Catford. We were invited to the Royal Reception, attended this year by Princess Beatrice, and we gave a cheque for £500 to the Lord Mayor on behalf of the Company for ABF, The Soldiers Charity. This is a down payment for the amount that we collect after the Election Court! 

This is an amazing event supported in one way or another by most of the Livery Companies. There was a slight difference this year in that the Charities supported by the event were for all three services rather than just the Army as in previous years. A number of service personnel were in attendance and it was interesting to speak to them particularly because of my involvement in the Territorial Army in my younger years! It was also an opportunity to meet with the Masters of a good number of Livery Companies.

Lunch was in the Guildhall which was filled to capacity with 3 separate sittings! It was again interesting to talk to “non-livery” people over lunch. Afterwards several Livery Companies have stalls selling various wares associated in some way with their Companies. The orchids on the Gardener’s Company stall proved irresistible to both Simon and I. An amazing and very enjoyable event.

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