Thursday, 29 March 2018

62. Prison, Advice and Care Trust (Pact) Reception 22 March

I was pleased to accept an invitation to a reception at the Old Bailey to celebrate the work of volunteers who support defendant’s families in Court. The event was in aid of “Pact” – a national charity that supports prisoners, people with convictions and their families. The event was held in the Judges Dining Room. It was opened by His Honour Nicholas Hilliard QC the Recorder of London who welcomed the guests, among whom were a goodly number of Livery Masters.

Among the speakers was the mother of a young man who had been arrested, convicted and imprisoned. She told us of how Pact had helped her and her family deal with the situation from the outset and throughout the trial. She went on to say how they had intervened when the young man refused to see his family and was on the verge of self harming in prison and how the situation had then been normalised. A very moving account.

Following presentations to outstanding Pact volunteers we split into groups and were given a tour of the Old Bailey, viewing an exposed part of the original Roman Wall, the site of the old Newgate Prison and gallows, and one of the original Court Rooms, ending up in the magnificent Great Hall. A very interesting and thought provoking evening.

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