Saturday, 10 March 2018

53. The Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers Spring Court Dinner, 8 March

The Company has a close association with the Hackney Carriage Drivers through its support of their annual Disneyland taxi drive for disabled children. It was therefore a great pleasure to attend their Spring Court Dinner at the elegant Carpenters’ Hall. 

As ever the reception drinks allowed yet another opportunity to share views and pass the time of day with a number of Livery Masters. Having taken my place at table I was sorry to hear that the guests on my left were unable to attend due to illness, but they were more than made up for by others around.
Inevitably the conversation turned to the environmental impact of diesel cabs and I was horrified to learn that an all electric cab costs in the region of £60,000. A disincentive for many cab drivers if ever there was one!

The principal speaker was His Honour Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC who gave a most interesting and humorous speech. This was followed by presentation of awards and entertainment from a superb soprano accompanied by an excellent pianist. 

A truly excellent evening and my thanks go to the Master Hackney Carriage Driver for his kind invitation. 

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