Monday, 19 March 2018

58. Dinner at the Mansion House, 15 March

After the engagement at Myddelton School I swiftly moved on to the Mansion House where I met with Sandra and changed into my white tie evening suit! The invitation to dinner from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress was extended to the Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff of all the Livery Companies and their Consorts. It was attended by some 270 people.

The Mansion House is of course a fantastic venue and it was a great honour to be greeted by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, the two Sheriffs and their Consorts. The reception was an opportunity to mingle and chat with a number of Masters and their Consorts in many cases for more than once that week! Dining in the Egyptian Room (which I learned is actually Roman in style) is always a highlight and this was no exception. A sumptuous meal with fine wines in splendid company was accompanied by light music from The Honourable Artillery Company Band. Speeches by the Master Mercer, the Master Grocer and the Lord Mayor rounded off the meal and were followed by a Styrrup Cup. A most memorable evening.

The picture is the outside cover of the dinner menu and depicts the procession of Sir James Whitehead who was Lord Mayor in 1888/89.

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