Monday, 19 March 2018

55. The Modern Companies Dinner, 12 March

After a brief respite from lunch and a strong cup of coffee, I made my way to Watermen’s Hall for the Modern Companies Dinner of which there are two each year. It was the turn of our Company to organise the spring event this year. There was a splendid turnout with almost all the Modern Companies represented and I was delighted to welcome our guests to the reception drinks. An excellent 4 course dinner prepared by The Cook and the Butler was served with a selection of delightful wines in the elegant Watermen’s dining room. Our guest speaker was the Master International Banker, Senior Alderman Below the Chair Peter Estlin. He praised the Livery Companies for their charitable work, especially in the field of education, spoke of the current pressures on the City and the need for the Livery Companies to work closely together. He also kept us amused with some very humorous anecdotes. All in all an excellent evening with many compliments from those attending. My thanks to our Clerk Ralph Riley for organising the event.

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