Monday, 19 March 2018

56. Yet More Trial and Error at the Old Bailey, 14 March

For a number of years the Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund have presented a revue at the Old Bailey with all the proceeds going in aid of the Fund. Sandra and I attended this year and were treated to an excellent evening of entertainment. The event started with reception drinks in the most impressive Grand Hall of the Central Criminal Court where it was a pleasure to meet with a number of Masters and their Consorts before going into No.2 Court for the entertainment! 

The revue, which was specially written, depicts scenes from a number of high profile trials. It was to say the least highly amusing. This year it included among others the trials of the “witch” Jane Wenham, Ruth Ellis, Stephen Ward and the magazine “Oz”. I had sponsored on behalf of the Company the opening piece about Norman Birkett KC who was finally appointed a Liberal Peer in the House of Lords where he argued strongly against Ullswater Lake being “depleted to meet the insistent water demands of Manchester Corporation”. It was this debate in the House of Lords, which he won, that was depicted.

All the actors, who included Judges, Barristers, Lawyers, Sheriffs and a former Lord Mayor of London are or have been involved in theatre and were truly excellent. It was particularly good to see Fiona Adler in the cast. Amost enjoyable evening.

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