Thursday, 15 February 2018

46. Visit to Treloar’s School & College – 5 February 2018

Sandra and I together with the Masters and Consorts of some 50 Livery Companies accompanied the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress on the annual visit to Treloar’s. 

After registration and refreshments we were divided into small groups and were taken on a tour of the establishment. We were fortunate to be in a group led by Martin Ingram, the Principal of the School and College. I had been to Treloar’s on a couple of occasions with the Trust and it was interesting to see the large amount of refurbishment that has now virtually been completed. The school and college cater for 175 severely disabled students the majority of whom are resident and are wheelchair bound with some 800 teaching, caring and housekeeping staff.

After a delightful lunch and interesting speeches I was able to present a cheque for £1,000 to the Chairman of the Treloars Trust and the Principal which was received with grateful thanks. This was the money collected after our Myddelton Lunch the previous week for which I am most grateful to the generosity of those attending. We were then treated to a concert by the students. It was amazing how the students despite their disabilities were able to ring hand bells and sing. It was heartrending to see and listen to them. 

Before leaving I paid a brief visit to Treloar’s Print, the facility that the Company uses for much of its printing, and thanked them for their work. It is interesting to see some of the students assisting in the printroom.

An unforgettable day that provoked much thought.

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