Thursday, 15 February 2018

47. 14th Inter-Livery Pancake Race

The cold, wet and thoroughly miserable weather was overshadowed by the enthusiasm of all concerned in this year’s Pancake Race. As our Clerk was on holiday and I was unable to run due to an ankle injury I was given the task of being Team Leader. This year our team was represented by Fleet Warden Mark Lane in the Masters race, Freeman Andrew Williamson in the Livery race, Bailiff Lynva Russell in the Ladies race and Walbrooke Warden Rob Casey in the Novelty race. As the ground in the Guildhall Yard was extremely wet and slippery, it was decided that the “British Weather Clause” in the rules would be invoked. That meant that instead of running, an alternative competition of pancake tossing would take place. The winner in each category would be the one who tossed the pancake the most times within 30 seconds! Although highly competitive, our team unfortunately failed to achieve the finals. Rob Casey’s costume representing the Lord Mayors Charity “Place 2Be” was exemplary, but again we failed to meet the final.

Thanks must go to our competitors for their efforts and also to Trevor and Annette Harrington for braving the elements in support of our team. Following the race we retired to the Guildhall Crypt for a well deserved hot lunch and a glass of wine provided by “The Cook and the Butler”. 

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