Monday, 26 February 2018

50. World Traders Tacitus Lecture

The 31st Tacitus Lecture organised by the Worshipful Company of World Traders was held on 22 February at the Guildhall. Sandra and I together with Thames Warden, Simon Catford, attended this prestigious event which is one of the largest of it’s type in the City. The Guildhall was packed to capacity with an audience of some 900+ to hear Nathan Myhrvold PhD speak on “Cyber-Trade: Will AI displace or enhance our work?”. Nathan was formerly the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft and is one of the world’s great Polymaths. He is also a prizewinning nature and wildlife photographer and an accomplished chef! Not surprisingly his lecture was both extremely interesting and informative and also contained many amusing anecdotes. What does he think? AI will not displace our work!

The lecture was followed by a drinks reception in the Guildhall Crypt which gave an opportunity to speak with the Masters/Wardens/Clerks of other Livery Companies. Following this Sandra and I were honoured to have been invited by the Master World Trader to the Sponsors’ Dinner which was held at the Wax Chandlers’ Hall. A delicious meal with excellent wines and splendid company rounded-off the day. Fortunately we managed to catch the last train home!.

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