Thursday, 15 February 2018

48. Constructors Company Livery and Awards Dinner 14 February

Sandra and I were very privileged to be invited to the Worshipful Company of Constructors Annual Livery and Awards Dinner which took place at Drapers’ Hall on Valentine’s Day. Some 160 members and guests sat down in the magnificent dining hall where a superb meal and excellent wines were served. The guest speaker was Sir Terry Morgan, Chief Executive of Crossrail, who spoke about the difficulties and achievements of the Crossrail project. During the course of the evening a number of prestigious awards were given to outstanding University students in relevant subjects and also to serving personnel from all three services for outstanding bravery. The formal dinner was followed by the usual Stirrup Cup.

Both Sandra and I were seated with highly interesting and welcoming members of the Company with whom we found a great deal in common.

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